Thursday, April 16, 2015

Ancient Aztec History Part 3: The Huey Tlatcani

In the leading city of Tenochtitlán, the city leaders led the empire. The city council has been compared to the Roman senate. The leader was known as the Huey Tlatcani, or Great Speaker. This was the emperor, who was worshipped as a god. His rule was supported not only by the city council, but also the priests, judges, governors, and a host of other officials. Moctezuma II is the famous Huey Tlatcani who ruled when Hernan Cortes arrived in the New World.

The Huey Tlatcani did have absolute power in a sense. However, he did come to power by a semi-democratic system, and he could be removed from power. How this position was decided upon is not fully understood - it doesn't seem to have been hereditary, but family lines did play some part.