Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Aztec Civilization - The Aztec Economy

The early Aztec economy consisted of a type of barter system as this was a pre-capitalist society. Minor purchases were made with cacao beans imported from lowlands. In the marketplaces, a small rabbit might have been worth 30 beans, an egg cost 3 beans while larger purchases of cloth could range from 65 to 300 cacao beans. 

The highly developed empire had an elaborate leadership and society that consisted of four classes.

  • Nobles (highest in power)
  • Commoners (the majority of population, were mostly farmers)
  • Serfs (worked land for the nobles)
  • Slaves (consisted of those captured and indebted who couldn’t pay)
Governmental office positions were usually inherited

, but one could be awarded an office through exemplary service to the emperor. Slavery was quite common. 

Aztec communities were heavily dependent upon agriculture with corn being the central crop; though they also relied somewhat on hunting and gathering. Crop surpluses were stored and used during hard times. The Aztec also had sophisticated irrigation systems, allowing them to farm otherwise dry lands. They farmed shallow lakes by scooping up mud and forming islands called chinampas. These islands provided very fertile land that was profitable for growing crops.

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